USB Fusion App Feature Overview: Scene Editing
While the USB Fusion hardware features on-device buttons for basic switching and mixing of inputs, the full presentation power of USB Fusion can be unlocked through the free USB Fusion companion tablet app, which provides additional features to augment your presentations. This blog will introduce one of its key functions: scene editing.
1. Scene Layout
USB Fusion App enables users to create presentations with captured scenes and imported video and picture files. You can display them in single-view, picture-in-picture, and side-by-side scenes.
For the picture-in-picture layout, the small picture is placed in the lower left corner of the canvas by default. You can drag the small picture to move it anywhere within the canvas. For the side-by-side layout, the scene is by default evenly divided into two frames. You can drag the dividing line button to the left or right to change the ratio of the two sources. Note that a source must be at least 1/16 as wide as the canvas.
2. Scaling Up & Down
When you want to guide the audience to focus key sections of the on-screen content, you can use scaling tools or gestures to scale the sources.
If using the scaling tools, tapping once scales up or down by 1%. If using gestures, place two fingers on the source to be scaled, and move the two fingers apart to scale up. After scaling up, you can scroll up/down or right/left to choose the section you want to show. Pinch the two fingers to scale down. You cannot scale down further once the source reaches its initial size on the canvas.
3. Rotating & Flipping
Tap the rotating tools above the canvas to rotate an image by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
When the text in your source is reversed or upside-down, you can use the flip tools to revert the image horizontally or vertically.
4. Cropping
The cropping tool can crop out unnecessary parts of a source, or crop it to a desired aspect ratio. It provides three common aspect ratios (4:3, 16:9 and 1:1) for quick cropping. Note that if you re-enter the cropping page for a second time after previously cropping, you will again be cropping based on the original source.